Social Services
Our Duties
The department seeks to preach by assisting the vulnerable .The vulnerable or the needy might be members of ZAFMC as well as the members of the community where we operate in and even outside .From the inception to date , we have managed to pay fees for many orphaned kids and different schools scattered around Zimbabwe.
Our Projects
We embarked on a number of projects as a ministry and these include the following :
1. School Fees Payment Program for vulnerable and orphaned children -
The ministry is paying school fees for children at various school. The aim of this program is to empower vulnerable and orphaned children by providing all the basics need for the children to pursue their academic studies. A child without education is like a bird without wings (Tibetan Proverb). Below are the statistics of the current School Fees Payment program:
Mavende Primary School (2 Children).
Neruvanga Secondary School (1 Child).
Shongamiti Secondary School (1 Child).
Sadzangwena Primary School (2 Children).
Chisenga Primary School (1 Child).
2. Caring for the impoverished, needy, sick , vulnerable and marginalised groups in the society
Over the past years, the ministry has been assisting community members who fall in any of the groups stated above. Whilst giving a farewell address to the elders of the church in the Greek city of Ephesus, Apostle Paul said "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. " (Acts 20:35).It is every believer's duty to care for the weak. Below are some of the things we are doing as a ministry to assist the weak :
Helping the disabled, elderly, poor and orphans with food and clothes.
Paying hospital bills for the sick.
Providing moral support and hope to the hopeless.
Our Plans for the future
Registration of a non-profit funeral service/burial society for church members and vulnerable community members especially in rural areas - Most people i rural areas have no financial capacity to join well accomplished funeral service providers. With death being inevitable , there is need for a solution that will guarantee a decent burial for church and community members
Registration of an not-for-profit organisation with the government to effectively manage all the operations of the Social services ministry
Do you want to support our programs?
We are looking for donors, partners and well-wishers who can support our social services programs. If you are interested in supporting us, kindly contact the social services secretary on +263 (774) 335 961 (Voice/WhatsApp).